COMPOSITE Multimedia Content Manager

You will fall in love due to its simplicity and power
  • Aplicación DENEVA Composite
  • Aplicación DENEVA Composite
  • Aplicación DENEVA Composite

DENEVA’s powerful multimedia editor

Design and mock lots of graphic templates up with DENEVA’s multimedia content manager. Make creations in different resolutions and work with several layers.

Insert different types of multimedia resources as for example, images, videos and animations. COMPOSITE Multimedia Content Manager lets you also use Smart Objects which will make your life easier.

Achieve spectacular results with DENEVA’s COMPOSITE.

What can I lay out? Easy, you can mock EVERYTHING up

Working with infinity layers in the same composition, gives you millions of possibilities

Composite, Multimedia Content Manager

YOU establish the limits when laying out

Any Type of Format

It supports any type of multimedia files: images, videos, animations or webs.

Multi Layer and Multi Resolution

Each template can support infinity layers and the chance to be created in every possible resolution.

Compatibility with HTML5 & CSS3

Create HTML5 files and mock the templates up as in individual elements.

Master Templates

Define fixed contents above the rest of the compositions.

Smart Objects

COMPOSITE contains «Intelligent Elements» which will permit you work-saving

Social Media Implementation

Social Networks

Entertainment Apps


Weather Forecast in Real Time

Weather Forecast



Feed app


Queue Management Solution

Queue Management



KPIs and information


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